Thursday, December 2, 2010

Florence- where 4 euro wine is expensive...

The next few weeks in Barcelona were filled with exploring the city, getting used to school (or what IES called school...) and pretty much just adjusting.

We spend two weekends in Barcelona, so naturally, we made a snap decision and decided to go visit Caitlin's friend Nicole in FLORENCE!  I had loved Florence when we went to visit josh three years ago, and Caitlin had stopped there on her cruise once, but hadn't seen enough of the city, so we thought we both neeeeded to go back.  The original plan was to go to Cinque Terre, but that didn't really work out as planned.  Instead, we pretty much just drank wine!!

We were only in Florence for about 48 hours, but it was long enough to...
-get lost on the way back to the hostel and ask a person who we thought was a nice lady where our street was, but as soon as we asked her, we realized she was actually a he...and a prostitute. So, asking a hooker for directions- checked off our bucket lists!
-see the entire city by foot! we walked from one side of the city to the other, stopping at an amaaazing american diner for breakfast/lunch, where we happily ate omelets, veggie burgers, chocolate chip pancakes, milkshakes and everything else that was obviously not readily available in spain. Although this was an incredible meal, it was a sign that Florence was definitely not your typical italian city- it was fiiiilled with american students.  not necessarily a bad thing, but we heard almost NO italian.
-we saw a beeeeautiful view of the city from a hill and then drank wine all over the city- from the banks of the river, on our walk across the city to our dinner, where we were given wine glasses the size of our heads and were refilled constantly...for free.  we definitely didn't get this kind of treatment in barcelona!

...then we flew back to barcelona just in time for another wonderful meal of french fries and bread at the residencia!

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