Saturday, October 16, 2010


written by caitlin:

since we're so behind on this blogging thing, we're just going to do paris really fast bc we did so much that this post would be endless if we described everything. 

we took the train from london to paris and met my mom at the train station and we left for Caen/Normandy and Honfleur from there.

We only spent the afternoon in Honfleur, and then went on to Caen, where we went to the War Museum and then went on a tour of a couple of the beaches where the Allies landed on D-Day and the American Cemetery.

On the way to Paris, we stopped at Versailles. In Paris we pretty much saw everything: the Louvre, Notre Dame, Sainte Chapelle, Musee d'Orsey, Marmottan museum (Monet Museum), a little Shakespeare bookstore near Notre Dame filled with stacks and stacks of books. we never wanted to leave. rumor has it, Ernest Hemingway hung out there. Erin bought 2 books.

I pretty much died seeing all the impressionist art in the Musee d'Orsey, and Erin made jokes about the impressionist paintings "blending" together. Also saw Napoleon's tomb, the Champs-Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe (not sure how to spell that in French bc it's different for the one here). Went to the Eiffel Tower, where my dad suggested we eat dinner (at the 1st level, not the swanky upper level, but still pretty awesome). Erin said she was glad it wasn't her shout that night.

The first night we were there, we also saw our friend Gabrielle from UCLA who had been living and working in Paris all summer before starting her abroad program in Sussex, and she showed us around some parts of Paris at night.

quickest summary ever of a week in Paris. 

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