Friday, September 24, 2010


hola amigos y familia! bienvenidos to our blog...

sorry that it's taken us so long to start it, but when faced with acceptable siestas and erin's forgetfulness, are you really surprised? we'll do our best to update it more regularly from now on. so we officially left home over a month ago, and so far we've both gotten multiple tattoos, erin's on her way to obtaining a motorcycle license, and despite craig's biggest fears, caitlin's already met a spanish man and planning to elope. JUST KIDDING! but we have mastered the metro system in 4 cities.

we arrived in London on August 19th. our first 2 days we struggled to sleep at appropriate times, but eventually adapted to our new time zone. our first exciting order of business was traveling via metro, train and bus to get to Salisbury to see the incredible, mysterious, awe-inspiring site of Stonehedge. it exceeded expectations (despite the death trap of a double decker bus that drove us around) and our experience can be summed up in 2 words: stonehenge rocks!

when we were buying our tickets for the death trap stonehenge bus, the man selling the tickets told us that the magna carta was in a church around the corner, and "if we were clever enough" we could get in for free. we just sort of nodded and didn't respond, so he then asked us if we knew what the magna carta was. erin couldn't hear so she just stared and caitlin was too appalled to respond quickly, so he thought we actually didn't know what is was. oh, you mean that little known document that's sort of the first written constitution?? yes, random man selling stonehenge tickets of all things, we've passed out of a few high school history classes!

the next day we saw WICKED at the Apollo Victoria. it was absolutely amazing, as could be expected!

that night, our friends from UCLA who were doing a Shakespeare/English program arrived in London from Stratford upon Avon and we spent the next few days doing touristy stuff with them. we did everything from riding the London Eye to Buckingham Palace tour to Westminster Abbey to Platform 9 3/4.

Abbey Road
Buckingham Palace

Parliament and Big Ben

London Eye

Westminster Crabbey for any Friends fans

PLATFORM 9 3/4!!! with Josh and Megan